Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Grounded Action

"The more conscious we are of 'difficult' astrological alignments, the less power they have to move us, and the less likely they are to bring destructive effects.... Simply being aware of where the planets are (and their potentials) changes the way they manifest." - Tem Tarriktar

This is it. The much-anticipated Grand Cardinal Crosses are now forming in the heavens. The initiatory portal coming into alignment this weekend will be particularly intense.

If you thought the eclipse series in June/July was powerful, watch what happens next. The celestial energies have been ramping up steadily since the March Equinox and reach a crescendo during the first three weeks of August.

Outer planets Pluto, Saturn, Uranus and Jupiter are joined by Mars and Venus in hot configurations over the next several weeks. The planets aren't just making hard aspects to each other. Saturn, Mars and Venus align with the orbital center of the cluster of galaxies that includes our Milky Way. The energy of the cosmos fuels the ongoing outer-planet t-square that will become the Grand Cross this weekend.

All heaven is breaking loose, and the effects will be felt for a long time to come.

This is a divine intervention. As the eclipses, ongoing t-square and grand crosses plow through outdated beliefs, the forms and structures of our lives are crumbling with accelerating ferocity each day. I'm hearing all kinds of reports of physical and emotional manifestations, abrupt endings of everything from relationships and jobs to locations and living arrangements...and magical new beginnings.

Because the planets of the grand cross are in cardinal signs, the overall energy is of change through movement and action. New forms are taking shape even as the old forms fall away. It's still early to fully harvest the new. It's more that an energetic imprint is established at this time for later manifestation in the physical realm. When we're flowing with the energies, the feeling is incredibly light and free, optimistic and joyful. It's also easy to get caught up in the chaos and feel overwhelmed or helpless.

Throughout this period, mindfulness and grounded action are key. Even though the fullest manifestation of our ideas is still far off, now is the time to cast the seeds of a new life and a new world. It's important to stay focused, stay positive and create with intent.

I've been writing about this series since late last year, and there's tons of information online about the astrological significance of the potent planetary alignments. At this point, I find it most efficient to deliver the forecast for coming weeks in spoken word. We'll do that again this week. Our final StarTalk Astro Forecast of the summer season will be held live via teleconference this Thursday, August 5.

In this call we'll focus on...

Lammas (Lughnasadh) Cross-Quarter Gateway
The Galactic Crosses
New and Full Moons
Venus in Libra
Mercury Retrograde
September Equinox and Harvest Moon

The program will be recorded and available for download whether you're live on the call or not. You'll also receive a copy of my 18-page 2010-2012 Astro Preview as a study guide. Details and registration:

My heart is filled with optimism and hope for a new day as the energies of change reach peak intensity over the next few weeks. I hope you'll join me in prayer that we as a people will seize this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to begin shaping a world we're proud to pass on to our children and their children.