Thursday, November 18, 2010


Silently, Venus stirs me from sleep.
Hanging as a jewel above the crimson-orange horizon she beckons, guiding her initiates to this day, a new beginning, deeper love.

Venus' shamanic journey has come to an end. She metamorphosed as she met with the Sun away from our view, returning to the sky in early November as Morning Star. Like Venus, we are reborn.

During her retrograde transit the past six weeks, evolutionary forces took aim at relationships, values, creativity and finances. How have these shifted for you during this time?

Traveling with her since early October I am wiser, more aware, conscious of my flaws and fears, and eternally grateful for the simple gifts of abundance that fill my life. Family. Friends. The natural world. Infinite love.

Venus returns to direct motion today. She begins a 584-day cycle in Scorpio, her playtime in Aries complete. Now we learn the ins and outs of personal power through the 2012 gateway.

Jupiter also stations direct today. In Pisces and conjunct Uranus, the Awakener, Jupiter invites us to reach new depths, and heights, of consciousness.

The celestial passage culminates in the Full Moon this weekend. In the last degree of Scorpio-Taurus, the Sun-Moon opposition illuminates the wisdom of the soul. Reach in. Dive deep. Seek the treasures of enlightenment.

Venus in the Underworld

Fall Travels