Saturday, December 19, 2009

Honoring Yuletide

As the Sun crosses the Galactic Equator each December, darkness waxes to deepest night. In the northern hemisphere, we await the dawn on Solstice morn, welcoming the return of Light.

Winter Solstice on December 21 is the shortest day of the year and the longest night in the northern hemisphere. It’s the pagan sabbat called Yule, also known as Yuletide. Christmas is the Christian version. Yule marks the time when the days begin to grow longer and the nights shorter. In the southern hemisphere, Solstice marks the height of summer, a time of culmination and abundance.

Holiday hustle, bustle, parties and celebrations tend to eclipse the inner nature of this sacred time. Even as we gather to celebrate with community the beginning of a new year and the return of light to Earth, we’re also called to explore the inner realms of consciousness, the mystery of this creation, as we dream a new future into being.

We can attune to the natural flow of creation with Solstice practices that support the deep inner work that’s appropriate at this time of year:

- Honor the Bear Lodge of winter. Welcome the darkness. Receive incoming cosmic energy through this galactic portal with retreat and meditation, yoga and shamanic journeywork.
- Review the solar year, Solstice to Solstice. Honor your experiences and accomplishments.
- Invite vision and create intentions for the coming year.
- Imagine the world we’re co-creating during this transition period, the Turning of the Ages.
- Celebrate in community, with family and friends. Ritualize individual and collective intent. Hold the light for planet Earth and all beings through prayer and ceremony.

Yule is a solar festival, celebrated traditionally with fire and the Yule log, candles, holly, mistletoe, bayberry, reindeer, pine trees with lights and ornaments, gifts and festive foods. Bayberry, cedar, pine and rosemary are the scents and spices of Yule. Traditional candle colors are gold, green, red and white.

The moment of exact alignment is 12:47 PM Eastern (5:47 PM GMT) on December 21, as the Sun moves into Capricorn. Pause and attune to the forces of creation during this gateway, and relish the blessings of the season!

Galactic Alignment

The Sun's crossing of the Galactic Equator each December is a central focus of the book, Cosmic Time. There's also a feature article on this topic in the current issue of my newsletter:

Solstice Prayer

My prayer is for beings around the world to align with these energies and ritualize our intent, both individually and in community, as we co-create a new paradigm on Earth. The Solstices and Equinoxes, as well as New and Full Moons, are particularly powerful times to focus celestial and Earth energies through the act of ceremony.

Recently I was invited to share how we can attune to these natural rhythms in a teleclass hosted by animal intuitive Lynn McKenzie. In honor of the Solstice, I've posted a recording of this special 75-minute teleclass and Solstice ritual: Tapping into the Power of Lunar and Solar Cycles. You can listen here:

Please note that you'll need to have an audio player enabled on your computer, and the ability to stream content from the web.

Astro Preview: 2010-2012 and Beyond

Astrologically, 2010 is the rockin'est year of the 2012 transition. I highlight the astrology of the new year and beyond in my 2010-2012 Astro Preview. Details are posted here:

2010 Astro Preview Readings

Find out how the planetary energies will affect you personally in 2010 with an individual reading by phone or Skype. You'll receive a free copy of the 2010-2012 Astro Preview when you schedule any personal session. Gift certificates are also available. Details are posted here: