Sunday, March 28, 2010

Celebrating Rebirth

We begin again.

Monday's Full Moon is the first of three spring lunar festivals in esoteric tradition that relate to the religious holy days of Passover, Easter and Wesak. Below the equator, it's autumn and the crisp air is filled with the celebration of the harvest.

A new astrological year began when the Sun entered Aries at the Equinox on March 20. This crossing is connected to the pagan celebration Ostara (Oestra), precursor of the modern Easter holiday. As the Sun opposes the Libra Moon on Monday night, we are made whole, resurrected into a new cycle. The Soul is released.

The bold, initiating energy of warrior Aries is tamed at this lunation by the harmonizing energy of the goddess Libra. It's time to take action, carefully and deliberately, to set new plans and projects in motion. As we celebrate rebirth and renewal, we're planting seeds now that will bear fruit later in the cycle.

The first three signs of the zodiac - Aries, Taurus and Gemini - culminate in the three lunar festivals when the Moon is in the opposing signs of Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius. These are ideal times for individual and group prayer, meditation and service on behalf of the collective so all may grow in consciousness as we make our way through this intensely transformational time on Earth.

The spring festivals are moments of soul illumination and initiation. You may gain greater clarity about your life purpose and next steps. You may uncover places deep within that need to be healed so you may move forward powerfully on your path. The cosmic energies fill us up. The masters light our way.

Libra Full Moon - March 29/30, 2010 (7:25 PM Pacific March 29; 10:25 PM Eastern March 29; 3:25 AM GMT March 30)

The Festival of Easter or Festival of the Christ (Libra/Aries) celebrates the advent of Christ Consciousness on Earth and relates to the resurrection and ascension of the soul.

Scorpio Full Moon - April 28, 2010

Wesak Festival or Festival of the Buddha (Scorpio/Taurus) celebrates the birth, death and enlightenment of the Buddha and serves as a focal point for the seeding of spiritual enlightenment on Earth.

Sagittarius Full Moon - May 27, 2010

During the Full Moon Festival of Humanity (Sagittarius/Gemini), the energies received through the previous two lunar gateways are disseminated into the Earth grid through the hearts of planetary servers.

These lunar gateways are potent times to hold the Earth and humanity in a space of unity, love and compassion, knowing that we stand at the threshold of a new world age of our own creation.

Spring Cleaning

With the change of seasons, it's time for a spring (or fall) cleaning on all levels - spiritual, mental, emotional and physical. Astrology reveals that 2010 is a year of breakthrough, and cosmic energies will assist with this process. It's time to release self-limiting thoughts, beliefs, patterns, behaviors, addictions. A full-on cleanse is in order.

There's a lot of initiating energy at this time, energy for change. If you've been dragging your feet, feeling unsure, unsteady or lacking focus or confidence, now would be a good time to transcend fear and get in the driver's seat of your life.

Personal Sessions - Special Rates this Week

The work I do with individuals helps to support the inner drive for self-evolution that seems to be growing in intensity by the day.

During this time of new beginnings, issues may surface around life path and purpose, career, family, health, relationships and more. In addition to addressing these topics, we target the subconscious fears, emotions and beliefs that block your progress. We align with the powerful galactic energies to pry open these stuck spots so a new, revitalized you may emerge.

Phone sessions and gift certificates are available for you or a loved one. These include Life Path Consultations, Astro-Shamanism, 2010 Astro Preview Readings and Lightbody Activation.

These are described on my web site:

Special rates are available on personal sessions through the Libra Full Moon gateway this week. You'll also receive a complimentary copy of my 18-page 2010-2012 Astro Preview when you schedule your appointment.

To schedule, please e-mail me and include the time zone you're in. I look forward to working with you during this auspicious time!

"Our session was gentle yet deeply powerful with so much important insight for me." - Katherine

"I thank you for helping me connect with the energies that needed to be with me during this most amazing time." - Leah

Earth in Balance
Celebrating Cycles of Rebirth and Renewal

Audio Recording Now Available

Learn about the cosmic outlook for 2010 and beyond, plus tips and tools for navigating the shift gracefully in our special 2-hour Equinox Celebration held March 20 by teleconference.

The audio recording of this program is now available for download:

Program description:

You'll receive a complimentary copy of my 18-page 2010-2012 Astro Preview with your order.

"Thank you for sharing your knowledge during the Equinox call. It serves to bring greater clarity and understanding so I might focus my energies with greater certainty and groundedness." - Marti

Blessings to you and yours in this holy season.