Saturday, February 12, 2011

Galactic Love

Emotions are running high as the Moon waxes to full in this season of love. Everyone seems to be bit more sensitive than usual. Jubilant, yet wary.

As we integrate each massive change in our lives and our world, we anticipate the next. The new changes are already building, gathering momentum.

It's only February, and it already seems certain that 2011 will live up to its potential as a pivotal year in human history.

The Full Moon in Leo/Aquarius rises Thursday night (February 17/18), illuminating the divinity of the human spirit and inviting us to discover our unique individuality within the context of the collective.

What a galactic awakening this is, a flowering of the heart.

What Is Love?

Every year when Valentine's rolls around, I notice how my perceptions of love have evolved. To me, love is all there is. Each being, each soul, every act and every thing is an expression of the one source of all creation, and that source is love.

Love is a walk in the forest or a stroll on the beach. It's a meal shared with friends, a celebration with family. Love is a tear shed by a father beholding his child. It's a handful of seeds planted in spring. Love is a conversation. It's a sacred promise, a commitment. Love is a blessing and a gift. Love is innocence. Love is the wind.

What does it mean, then, to be in love? I like to think of love as a way of life, of being in love with life, of living in harmony, the full integration of body, mind, spirit and soul, one with the earth and the cosmos.

To be in love is to love your self, to love each other and all of creation.

Sacred Relationship

When we live in a soul-centered, heart-centered way, relationships develop and unfold naturally. We’re all one, all sacred. From the stranger on the street to your newborn grandson, from the birds singing in the trees to the ocean waves dancing in velvet moonlight, life is an interwoven tapestry of relationships.

As we evolve, we begin to feel safe expressing and relating physically, emotionally and spiritually with others.

In these times of accelerating change, many relationships begin and end quickly, freeing us to spiral into ever higher expressions of human connection. Some relationships continue and deepen as we transform.

We learn through interaction with another. Each one is sacred other, a teacher, mirror and guide. Our children and parents, partners, friends, extended family, teachers, caregivers, colleagues, everyone who crosses our path touches us, enriching our life through the act of relating.

A Vision

In this transition to the next world age, conscious souls are finding each other, reconnecting. The flames of love are rekindled. One-on-one relationships form the basis of community.

Knowing that our children’s future depends on our actions today, we begin to build our communities, creating a foundation that ensures their birthrights of freedom, prosperity and fulfillment.

We search for common ground, a shared vision, and put down roots. We design a new culture, free from the past yet harvesting the wisdom of our rich and varied experiences. We create an economy. We learn the art of interdependence, respecting and honoring the individual, sacred other. Each one contributes, and receives, through this powerful, self-sustaining matrix.

In this Aquarian moment, we are one global community, an ever-expanding circle, linked in a common destiny – the survival and evolution of the Earth and humanity.

Our histories, our skin colors, our languages, religions and philosophies vary. One spirit unites us and draws us together, weaving a luminous fabric of unity in diversity.

It all begins with love.

A gift of love from soulmates Miten and Deval Premal, from the album, Soul in Wonder.

Valentine's Specials
Love your self and each other with special readings at special rates this week. Details in my Cosmic Time newsletter. Click here.

Waves of Change

Feast of Love

The Ninth Wave

Timeshift 2011

Copyright 2011 Allison Rae/

Friday, February 11, 2011

Waves of Change

This is amazing.

I just read the headline: The 18-Day Miracle: Egyptian People Power Ousts Hosni Mubarak. Chants of "Egypt is Free! Egypt is free!" ring in the streets, not only in Cairo but around the world.

In less than three weeks, the people of Egypt have overturned a 30-year dictatorship.

The path to Egypt's empowerment was paved last month when the people of Tunisia pushed dictator Zine El Abidine into exile after a month of deadly demonstrations in that country.

The people are speaking. Who's next?

In this year of quantum possibilities, what changes would you like to make in your life, in your community, in your world? Here's your chance. Dream big.

The planetary transits and alignments in 2011 are extremely potent, which means they hold amazing potential. Rather than resisting the energies of change, we can focus cosmic forces to transform our lives and our world.

Collective transformation begins within each of us individually. In this still-new year, more than ever before, we have an enormous opportunity to step into our power and do things differently on planet Earth.

2011 Forecast

This is just the beginning. The next wave of evolutionary intensity begins in early March when the Universal Underworld of the Mayan calendar begins and Uranus crosses into Aries, sign of the warrior. In the ninth and final underworld, the evolution of consciousness accelerates by a factor of 20, which means a change that used to take a year from 1999 to now will now happen in 20 days. (Given today's events, perhaps Carl Calleman was right when he first calculated the beginning of the ninth underworld to begin February 11, 2011. He has since revised that date to March 9. Read his comments below.)

As I wrote in December in my 2010 Astro Forecast: "Sweeping political and economic changes will continue to reshape our world in coming years. Within the 2012 transition, we’ve reached a tipping point. By focusing on love and abundance and holding a higher vision for the future, we can seize the opportunity to become empowered co-creators and manifest a compelling destiny aligned with our true purpose.

"As we make our way toward 2012 and beyond, all beings are invited to consciously engage in creating a world of peace and prosperity through this rebirthing on planet Earth."

Global Alliance

A huge focus for me in this year of quantum potential is a new global alliance committed to shifting the trajectory of life on Earth toward an environmentally sustainable, socially just, spiritually fulfilling human presence on the planet by 2014.

Four Years Go isn't an organization. It's a movement. Everyone is welcome, and your energy is needed. Individuals, organizations and businesses around the world are making a commitment to change the world, and more are signing on every day.

If you're as inspired by what's happening around the world as I am, and you believe in the power of our collective will to change the course of history, I invite you to check out the 4YG video and make your commitment. If you want to contribute your time and talents to realizing this vision, visit the link below to get involved as a Mobilizer.

If Four Years Go doesn't appeal to you, find something that does. Take a stand. Contribute. Now's the time to make a difference.

I wrote in December that "2011 is a year for vigilance and determination in thought, word and action. Absolutely everything will have more impact than ever before. As the manifestation of energy (thought) into form becomes nearly instantaneous, miracles become commonplace."


2011 Astro Forecast PDF

2011 Astro Forecast mp3

Mayan Calendar Ninth Wave
Dear Friends: As most of you have heard Hosni Mubarak has stepped down from power in Egypt on this day of 1 Imix (1 Alligator) in the traditional Mayan tzolkin count, which also happens to be the amazing palindrome date 1102-2011. As you know I do not believe this date to be the beginning of the high frequency ninth wave bringing in unity consciousness starting March 9, 2011. Yet, this is still the beginning of the tzolkin round that would lead to the top of the pyramid of consciousness October 28, 2011 and so 1 Imix is a significant seeding date for the processes that are now starting. The downfall of Mubarak is then as I believe the beginning of a process their dictatorial regimes and authoritarianism will, in a complex process with ups and downs, will start to crumble world wide and ultimately be replaced with a world of unity consciousness. This seeding is the significance of this day and hopefully many will align with it and find a constructive path to the future. Regards, Carl Johan Calleman

Four Years Go

Copyright 2011 Allison Rae/

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Blessed Imbolc

Shh, listen. Can you hear it? A stirring deep within the Earth, hushed, nearly imperceptible.

From the belly of the Mother, new life pushes forth at the Imbolc cross-quarter gateway. In the depths of the Earth womb, beneath snow and ice, natural cycles of creation are silently at work. New life is gestating. Rebirth is at hand.

The ancient Sabbat of Imbolc marks the seasonal turning from winter toward spring in the northern hemisphere. The days grow noticeably longer, and signs of spring begin to emerge from the ground. The promise of rebirth and renewal is fulfilled. South of the equator, this is the Lammas cross-quarter, with the Sun's light beginning to recede as autumn approaches.

February 2 is the traditional date of Imbolc. The festival was Christianized as Candlemas, when the candles to be used in the Catholic Church in the coming year are blessed. In North America, February 2 is Groundhog Day. The groundhog tells us when spring will come, based on whether he sees his shadow.

Traditional Imbolc on February 2 coincides this year with a revolutionary New Moon featuring five planets in Aquarius and a highly-charged aspect between Venus and Uranus. Details in my blog post here:

Zodiacal Imbolc falls on February 3 as the Sun crosses 15 degrees Aquarius. This is the mid-point between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox. Imbolc is one of the four “cross-quarters" traditionally celebrated as Sabbats in pagan traditions. Like the solstices and equinoxes, the effects of the cross-quarters are felt for three days, so the gateway is February 2-4.

“Imbolc” means “in the belly.” In Celtic tradition, this Sabbat is the festival of the Goddess Brighid, who relates to the Corn Maiden in Native American tradition. Both goddess archetypes symbolize the potential of new life within the Earth, within the human female form, and within the feminine aspect of all beings, male and female. Imbolc reminds us of our powers of creation.

The Sabbat

Traditionally we celebrate the Sabbats with ritual, consciously creating with intent as we move toward the birthing at the Spring Equinox on March 20. Progress may seem slow on the surface. Trust that new life is sprouting on inner levels, just as the tiny seeds of spring are beginning to germinate deep within the belly of Mother Earth.

The cosmos gives the green light for new projects, travel and adventure when the Sun enters active Aries at the Vernal Equinox on March 20. This year, Imbolc heralds the beginning of the ninth and final underworld of the Mayan calendar (March 9) and the advent of Uranus' re-entry into Aries (March 11) as he closes in on seven exact squares to powerhouse Pluto in 2012-2015.

Soon, hibernation will be over. The Sun warms our bodies and kisses the Earth. The sights and sounds and smells of a wondrous creation fill our senses. Spring is life on Earth. A new you blossoms, as a flower opening to the sky.

Galactic Awakening
A Tele-Gathering Celebrating Imbolc and the New Moon
February 2, 2011

You're invited to join others around the world in sacred circle on the evening of the Aquarius New Moon and the beginning of the Imbolc cross-quarter.

In this special teleconference gathering, you'll learn more about the tradition of Imbolc, share your experiences with others consciously weaving the galactic energies of the solar year, and co-create ritual in alignment with the sacred gateway.

It is my honor and privilege to introduce you to the creatrix and facilitator of this circle of empowerment, Leah McCullough.

When Leah and I met a half-dozen years ago, we immediately recognized each other. It was a reunion of souls, the fulfillment of a sacred contract. Our paths have intertwined through the ages. We had called each other in.

Since then, Leah has studied with me and supported me in circle, in preparation for her role leading groups. A natural intuitive, priestess initiate, budding astrologer, devoted wife and mother of precious twin star babies, Leah is a remarkable talent, wise beyond her years, heart-centered and dedicated to the awakening of higher consciousness on Earth.

I am pleased to invite you to join Leah for the birthing of her latest creation, Galactic Awakening, which she'll initiate February 2 and continue on the cross-quarters and Summer Solstice.


A blessed Imbolc to all.

Aquarius New Moon

Copyright 2011 Allison Rae/ All rights reserved

Feast of Love

"You say you want a revolution?"
- The Beatles

With this week's New Moon, the table is set for a feast of Aquarian love.

On Wednesday, the Sun, Moon, Mars, Chiron and Neptune all meet in the sign of the next astrological age.

With this celebratory lineup, Mars joins the Sun and Moon at 14 Aquarius. This cheery conjunction is symbolized by lovebirds sitting on a fence, singing happily. Saturn in Libra trines the Sun-Moon-Mars triple conjunction, urging us to wage peace and stand up for justice.

At the same time, Venus aligns with the Galactic Center in late Sagittarius and squares volatile Uranus. Expect the unexpected with this cosmic configuration.

This lunation is about personal love and spiritual agape, the birthing of a new galactic consciousness. It's also about upheaval and chaos. Though disruptive, there's enormous potential for healing and empowerment of the self, and the establishment of a new order rooted in love.

Here's a shining example of how these energies are playing out.

Chaos erupted last week in a historic display of solidarity in Egypt. Patterned after a similar revolution in Tunisia earlier this month, the turmoil escalated over the weekend with headlines screaming "Egyptians defy curfew as chaos rocks Cairo" and "Cairo airport a scene of chaos as foreigners flee."

Their spirits worn thin by generations of oppression, the people are stepping up, suddenly emboldened and assisted by lightning-fast communication via the Internet (a Uranian invention). Today's turnout of a quarter-million Egyptians in Cairo is described as "jubilant." And it's happening in the land of the Sphinx and great pyramids. Hmm.

If you think this is wild, just wait till March when the Mayan Universal Underworld begins and Uranus enters Aries, sign of the warrior. Talk about chaos. Uranus, ruler of Aquarius, is already playing with revolution as Pluto, the Transformer, persistently pushes for evolution. Now in Aries, Jupiter carries the flag for higher consciousness.

As we said at the beginning of the year in my Astro Forecast, life on Earth will be radically different in 2011. It already is.

Aquarian Rebirth

New moons are about new beginnings. This one coincides with the cross-quarter gateway of Imbolc (Lammas in the southern hemisphere), midpoint between the Solstice and Equinox. Meaning "in the belly," Imbolc marks the turning of the seasons as new life gestates deep within Earth's womb.

Themes are purification and renewal in preparation for rebirth in spring. Relationships are due for an overhaul, too...relationships with self, with the divine, with the Earth and her creatures, the cosmos and each other. This includes partners, family, friends, neighbors, villages and humanity as a whole.

Is it time for a relationship inventory? What's incubating inside you? The New Moon is exact at 9:31 PM Eastern on February 2. Imbolc is February 2-4.

Under this configuration it's time for radical love and forgiveness. Allow the innate power of love to transform and heal. Prepare for rebirth.

Galactic Awakening

Join others from around the world in celebration of this auspicious New Moon-Imbolc gateway with a new tele-gathering on February 2, hosted by my dear star sister Leah McCullough. Details are posted in Leah's blog:

2011 Astro Forecast PDF

My free 20-page (plus) 2011 Astro Forecast is available to read and download here:

2011 Astro Forecast Teleconference mp3

Join others from around the world for an in-depth look at the celestial and Earth energies in 2011. Find out the hotspots, what to expect and how to navigate the intensely transformative energies of this exciting year.

More blog posts:

Timeshift 2011

The Ninth Wave

Surf's Up

Away We Go

The Year Ahead

Copyright 2011 Allison Rae/ All rights reserved