Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Mercury Redux

We've survived another Mercury retrograde. Woo-hoo.

The planet of communications, transportation and things mechanical finally returned to forward motion this morning. What a relief. Now things can get back to normal, whatever that is these days.

Over the years there have been times that I've brazenly scoffed at the idea that the apparent forward or backward motion of the first rock from the Sun could have anything to do with computer crashes, mechanical breakdowns, technical problems and missed appointments.

For some unknown reason, this Mercury Rx period was one of those times. I decided to test my ability not to let this retrograde transit affect me. I should know better.

Here I am today, staying at a retreat center in the desert, reconfiguring my web site, rereading important books, reconnecting with friends and clients from my past, reconsidering major life decisions, and having my car repaired - not once, but three times. Hmm. Maybe there's something to this astrology thing.

As the celestial messenger returns to forward motion today, I have renewed respect for the ancient wisdom revealed through the motion of the stars and planets. I'm reminded how thoroughly joyful it is to receive flashes of astro insight that help us make our way consciously in this fast-changing world. I'm grateful to work with soulful, heart-centered clients around the world who are truly committed to their life path and purpose, to contributing to the transformation of consciousness on Earth and co-creating a better future for our children and grandchildren.

Thank you, Mercury, for the reminder to pause, and reflect.

p.s. The play of morning light in the retreat center garden is featured below. EnJOY.